0 Hi,Welcome To Blogged On Stuff

Yes this is a blog on collecting. Collecting things to collect. If that makes sense. Things to add to a collection, yes that's what this blog is about. It could be collections including Trading Cards, Figures, Comic-Books or Other Peoples Money like banks, their are many different Collections available and it can be good to have a collection as a interest and as well as various articles that can go on this blog, you can send me posts on Collections too. Perhaps you want to share your collection(please keep it PG! You can tell me about the other stuff if you feel it necessary on my blog Content Rated Adult/Mature at http://www.bensratedmature.blogspot.com!) Collecting various things has been a hobbie of mine for some time. I think one of the early collections I started was when I was given football/baseball cards and football Pogs. In fact Pogs and Slammers(the metal or plastic extra thick pogs-hoe good were they!)was something I collected early on too. Since then I have collected various things including film memrobia, comic books and massive collections such as Pokémon. Their really are some great collections avaliable, this blog may cover some of them.  

I may have posts on items for you to look out for or maybe suggest things to collect, please let me know what you think of the blog!

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